Thursday, August 25, 2011


So we have had Grayson's nimbo walker for about 2 weeks now and Grayson has shown absolutely no interest in it. Everyday we stand him up in the walker and try to get him to go. Usually he just sits right down and crawls off. Then yesterday, I stood him up in his nimbo and....he took off!! He walked across the living room! I couldn't believe it! So I turned him around and yep, sure enough he walked across the room again! So today we took him outside to go for a stroll. Check it out!

We are proud parents tonight! Grayson is barely a year and has just started walking with his walker!

Yesterday, Grayson was full of surprises because I also found him doing this:

Looks like the beginning of a very mobile little guy!! =)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

1st Birthday and Taking the First Steps!

So this week our Little G turned 1! Wow, that sure went by fast!!! Our neurosurgeon finally cleared him of not needing a shunt! Yay!!! What a great birthday present! =) So to celebrate with took the little man camping and to his favorite place...the beach!

Where he can eat the sand...

Wash it down with some water...

and laugh at the sea gulls.

Then that night he had his very own dragon cupcake...

To smash with his feet!

Then today, our Little G decided he was ready to take his first steps with his play walker!! We are waiting for his posterior walker to come in and thought we'd give his play one a try!

Not bad for his first steps =) and he had one very excited Momma and one very excited Daddy!! We are truly amazed with how well our little man is doing!! And, by the way, he is taking those steps without any braces! =) Amazing how 1 year can change so many things~bring new hopes, alleviate many fears, and love more than words can describe! Happy Birthday Little G!!!!